databent posters: my art on your wall
application-sensitive image-bending
results of the image-bending experiment
and now for something completely tangential
bring out the GIMP (for image databending)
google-bending for databending
past entries about databending
cat bending #7: iron lan returns
world premiere! animals within animals video: "who are these people?"
murkbox "telemetry" music videos
(You're the only person who has used "databending" as a tag.)
welcome to the RRX bent gallery, a collection of databent photos that were originally taken during recycled rainbow X, then "bent" in an audio editing program. each source image has its own page and subgallery, as there are a couple dozen variations of each source image.
when possible, i have also posted the actual bent files. these may look different on your machine than they do on mine. if you can open the actual bent file and it looks different from all the screenshots, please take a screenshot of how it looks on your computer and email it to me.
DSCF0043.jpg gallery:
click pic to enter
DSCF0044.jpg gallery:
click pic to enter
DSCF0049.jpg gallery:
click pic to enter
DSCF0047.jpg gallery:
click pic to enter
DSCF0051.jpg gallery:
click pic to enter
DSCF0057.jpg gallery:
click pic to enter