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a lot of people are talking about this mailer, but few seem to have actually seen the thing, so i figured i should post it... as a public service, of course. i don't have a flatbed scanner, so i had to take photos of the mailer and crop them, but these should be sufficient. (if you can't read everything, try viewing large.)
note the factual error in the wthr story: the mailer was sent out by the DCCC, not the DNC. and while both the wthr story and the indy star blurb quote julia's statement that she didn't have anything to do with the mailer, neither story mentions the important fact that it would be a violation of federal law if she had. thus, when dickerson and his supporters insist that julia knew about this mailer in advance, they're basically accusing her of a felony. ¶
note the factual error in the wthr story: the mailer was sent out by the DCCC, not the DNC. and while both the wthr story and the indy star blurb quote julia's statement that she didn't have anything to do with the mailer, neither story mentions the important fact that it would be a violation of federal law if she had. thus, when dickerson and his supporters insist that julia knew about this mailer in advance, they're basically accusing her of a felony. ¶