some assembly required is a long-running and influential radio program out of minneapolis/st paul hosted by jon nelson of escape mechanism. the show's theme is audio recycling: all works played on the show are made of or include samples of other works.
recently job started a blog and podcast featuring mp3s of old episodes of the radio show, interviews with featured artists, and stories from old shows he put together with artists like jon oswald and people like us.
the latest installment of the podcast is episode 94, which includes "hello" and "welcome" tracks from all kinds of audio collage artists, from animals within animals to the bran flakes to the evolution control committee to wobbly to the tape-beatles and more. this show has the most "hello" samples ever compiled into a single mp3, guaranteed. (guarantee not valid in the united states or europe.)
in celebration of awia's appearance on the show, the blog also features an extensive interview with yours truly about animals within animals. you can tell the interview is a few weeks old, as it refers to my copy editing job (which i have since lost) but there's plenty of good awia info in there, so if you're interested in the group, you should check it out.¶
recently job started a blog and podcast featuring mp3s of old episodes of the radio show, interviews with featured artists, and stories from old shows he put together with artists like jon oswald and people like us.
the latest installment of the podcast is episode 94, which includes "hello" and "welcome" tracks from all kinds of audio collage artists, from animals within animals to the bran flakes to the evolution control committee to wobbly to the tape-beatles and more. this show has the most "hello" samples ever compiled into a single mp3, guaranteed. (guarantee not valid in the united states or europe.)
in celebration of awia's appearance on the show, the blog also features an extensive interview with yours truly about animals within animals. you can tell the interview is a few weeks old, as it refers to my copy editing job (which i have since lost) but there's plenty of good awia info in there, so if you're interested in the group, you should check it out.¶