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Sunday, December 04, 2005 
miss ann responds
miss ann has issued a press release to counter what she sees as misinformation coming from the mayor's office. here are some of the more interesting tidbits (the city's claims in italics; miss ann's responses follow):

"Illegal, adult businesses like the Reformatory have no place in neighborhoods, especially in and around schools, daycare centers, parks and other locations where our children play and learn," said Mayor Peterson. "The city will continue to work with the community and take action against those adult businesses that refuse to comply with the law and threaten the quality of life in our neighborhoods."

FACT: Other businesses inside The Chatham Center who interacted with the owner of THE REFORMATORY on a daily basis had no issue with her and frequently visited with her. All of the neighbors inside The Chatham Center got along marvelously. Clients of THE REFORMATORY had zero impact on the other businesses inside The Chatham Center or the surrounding neighborhood.

FACT: Any retail shop in Indianapolis from any location can legally offer no more than 24% of its inventory in items that can be construed as sex toys and/or adult items. This is how Spencer's Gifts in the mall stays open crawling with kids as customers. This is how farm supply shops can sell crops.
(732-217 City Code Definition of Adult Bookstore)

The case was initiated after an undercover Indianapolis Police Department investigation found that the owner was running a business in her basement where clients were paying to be take part in sexual activities, including sex-related torture. The suit calls for the owner to cease operating the illegal sex business from her home and pay a fine of up to $2,500.

FACT: The undercover agent REPEATEDLY solicited her for sex in his preliminary interview. He was emphatically told there would be zero sexual contact and that if sex was sought, he needed to look elsewhere. During his interview he insisted on wanting to learn about the role of the submissive. Because Miss Ann believes strongly that education breaks down misconceptions and stereotypes, Miss Ann described (for over an hour) her asexual relationships with her submissives, including her submissives in chastity. After hearing about her NON SEXUAL relationships with her submissives, he said he wanted to see what it was like to be a submissive and Miss Ann agreed to take his session. His session was completely non sexual and his genitals remained covered and untouched during the entire session. He was given a code word to say in the event he felt threatened in any manner, including psychological fear. At no time during the session did he feel the need to exercise this option. He was taught how to ACT while being in the ROLE of a submissive.

Neighborhoods have long expressed concerns about the negative impacts adult entertainment establishments have on nearby residences and businesses. Studies have shown that adult entertainment businesses often attract criminal activity - especially sex related crimes.

FACT: Since summer of 2001, in nearly five years of practicing domination from her home, the owner had zero complaints from neighbors in her upscale historic neighborhood. She teaches responsibility and trust in relationships and practices chastity with her submissives. Chastity is the OPPOSITE of sex.
Essay Written by one of Miss Ann's submissives: "From Sex Addict to Chastity: A Radical Reversal of Lifestyle"

The Reformatory is one of eight illegal adult establishments to close since 2002 under intense city scrutiny. In October, the city won another major victory when a court ordered the closure of Reel One, an illegal sex club on the city's Westside. In 2002 and 2003 the city helped shut down six lingerie shops, which were actually operating as illegal adult entertainment businesses.

FACT: Despite the Mayor's insistance upon referring to THE REFORMATORY as an adult business, zoning officials determined THE REFORMATORY was NOT an adult business and the city attorney reiterated this determination at the Mayor's press conference.

FACT: The owner voluntarily closed the shop 1 month before the Mayor's press conference because the shop did not pay her enough to run it.

read the whole press release here. you might find other items of potential interest at her websites and (sites have occasional images of mild bondage but no nudity).

did you know eating a yogurt a day will prevent yeast infections? ¶

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