animals within animals .com

Tuesday, June 24, 2003
this saturday in pittsburgh! an actual awia performance, even!

you call that a tour? bad taste 2003

saturday, june 28, 8pm
@ kiva han, 420 s craig st, pittsburgh PA
all ages. $5 suggested donation


animals within animals [too many cooks spoil the flavor]
Dr. Butcher M.D. [now insured for musical malpractice]
stAllio! [blazin' hip-pop & piracy]
Bobby Vomit [guinness book of broken records]
backstatic [lowest-fi fork-in-the-eye]

& wrecked distro just might be there with a box
of records for your capitalist ass (if i don't buy them all first).
posted by stAllio! at 12:15 PM

Thursday, June 19, 2003
you have no excuse not to be at this show, unless you don't live near cincinnati, or you do but just don't feel like it.

friday june 20, 2003, 10pm-2am
@ sudsy malones, 2626 vine st, cincinnati OH
18+. $5


Dr. Butcher M.D. [now insured for musical malpractice]
stAllio! [blazin' hip-pop & piracy]
machinegirl [all the way from djibouti]
Bobby Vomit [guinness book of broken records]
backstatic [lowest-fi fork-in-the-eye]
posted by stAllio! at 4:09 PM

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