bobby vomit's blawg
Monday, July 11, 2005 
35 days or somthing like that
in case anybody gave up was wonder ing think or even for a moment lost without here i am again ha NOT DEAD YET !!!!!!!!

i was really busy with everything in the begingind s abv vj laj of the yaerea a hole and all that RAP nice new baadtaste? sike ,, i took a VACATION from everything been doin nothin its great mi mind is still very functional i only left the material behind but like a broken record here am again like a drifter i walk this rode,, etc. etc. very pleased to know and yes i have thought about you yo i was wondering to about yo do my dog pulled me on my skate board 2. somthng miles awsome i watched a lady drown in the ocean , at one time i would tell you my feeling on this now just
the end welcom back carter

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