Hueswap — frequently asked questions

What is Hueswap?

Hueswap is a web app for editing GIF color tables. Upload your favorite GIF, change the colors around, and then download the result!

Does Hueswap only work with GIFs? What about WEBP/MP4/etc?

Hueswap only works with real GIF files because it relies on the GIF's color table to work. It does not work with any fake pseudo-GIF formats like WEBP. (Fortunately there are free tools online for converting WEBP and similar formats into real GIFs.)

What are color tables?

The way GIFs handle color info is fairly unique — it's called indexed color mode. This means that every GIF* contains an index (or list) of all the colors used in the image. This index is called a color table.

Hueswap hacks directly into a GIF's color table and lets you change the color values, leaving everything else unchanged. The arrangement of the pixels remains the same — only the colors change.

Can I download the code?

Download the code for yourself (and even contribute changes) at

Who is responsible for this?

Hueswap was developed by José Garza and Benjamin Berg, based on a concept by Benjamin Berg.

* It is possible to create a GIF that has no color table (or more than one), but quite rare.