Labels: lolcolts

click to change it
* indicates blogs i designed
these are the final lolcolts of both the year 2007 as well as the 2007-2008 regular season. next week: playoff lolcolts... which will probably be indistinguishable from regular lolcolts.¶
Labels: lolcolts
too obscure? don't get the joke? okay then, here's another:
i've started putting my lolcolts on flickr; you can view the whole set there. or you can click the "lolcolts" label below to be shown all the lolcolts posts from this blog.¶
Labels: lolcolts

only one lolcolt this week. if you don't like it, make some yourself! you're lucky i'm still making 'em at all!
happy thanksgiving, everyone. we can go back to the partisan bickering tomorrow. ¶
Labels: lolcolts

another week, another edition of lolcolts. i can has victory over kansas city this week? ¶
Labels: lolcolts

another game day, another batch of lolcolts! (for last week's lolcolts click here.)¶
Labels: lolcolts

my fellow hoosiers, i have a vision. that vision can be summed up with one word: lolcolts.
in an ideal world, the internet would be full of lolcolts. the good news is that this ideal world can become a reality. but i can't do it by myself!
that's where you come in. go out there and make more lolcolts. i have given you a first example above, based on a photo by aj macht. if you need inspiration, go here and then go here. maybe open each site in a separate tag and toggle between them; i don't know. however you do it, go out there and make more lolcolts!
update: here's another to make sure you're on the right track:

thanks to mike for spreading the meme.
2nd update: you can view all my lolcolts posts by clicking the "lolcolts" label below.¶
Labels: lolcolts