I support democrats once in a while.
In April 2008 I gave $100 to democrat precinct committeeman Abu Henderson's campaign for his primary run against incumbent chair of the House Ways and Means, Bill Crawford.
When was the last time you gave $100 to a democrat's campaign and who did you give it to? I suspect I've given more money to democrats this year than you have.
Abu works hard in his neighborhood and is a real grass roots kind of guy that I respect.
Abu is also the councilman who stood up in a city council meeting last year and shouted out that fellow democrat Patrice Abdullah's residency disqualified him to sit on the CCC. Abu has hutzpuh.
Let's look at democrats whose actions against the People that I despise.
Andre Carson accepts more money from out of state lobbyists than he does from his district. No doubt who he serves. His congressional office (funded by our money) doesn't respond to citizen requests for information.
Carson also lied right after he won the special election and told us that he would never miss a vote. He missed many votes in Congress. He also missed about 10 votes on election day. His office told me he wrote to Congress for persmission to miss votes. The thing is that he doesn't work for Congress...he works for the people. His office also said that it is common for candidates to miss votes on election day which I have no problem with. However, Carson said INSPITE OF THE PRIMARY RUN, he would never miss a vote.
Carson is a liar to the people.
Peterson lied to citizens, tried to lock us out of a city council meeting, gave us a city budget for 2008 that is a royal mess, and screwed unnecessarily with my life.
Obama hangs out with thieves and thugs in Chicago...see Rezko and Ayers. Also, he's got problems with Larry Sinclair who I just know in my gut is telling the truth. If you lie around with dogs, you are gonna get fleas and in my opinion Obama is filthy.
In my work as a Domme, I learned a whole lot about liars...in particular lying men.
Obama has never unified a damned thing in America as he claims. In fact fellow democrats will likely demostrate at their own convention. Obama has DIVIDED his party.
When the media catches on about his corrupt or racist friends, he denounces them. This shows lack of judgement in those with whom he keeps company and a lack of loyalty to people he proclaims as friends.
Until about 4 months ago I was going to vote for Obama until I looked for proof of what Obama said was true and could not find evidence that he's good to run our country.
And further, Obama has ZERO executive experience, as a Jr. Senator, he is not particularly qualified to direct this nation's progress.
Back in the summer of 2005 I tuned into conservative talk radio to "keep tabs on the enemy", those evil conservatives that kinksters told me were ruining the world.
That's when I learned how wrong I was about so much I believed.
Now I make sure I get my news from a little bit of everywhere and read conservative, liberal, and libertarian sources.
You should do the same and get off the koolaid.
And regarding my lack of support for liberals...well I'm planning to will my house after my death to PBS because I watch Channel 20 more than any other channel and I learn so much from them. It don't get much more liberal than PBS.
You don't know squat about me. You just think you do.