"The immediate goal is to get them out of Downtown so that citizens and visitors don't have to look at it," Ballard said last week.
remember, this is the guy who spent his mayoral campaign scaring people about how big bad property taxes would make them lose their homes. now we know how he feels about people who don't have homes: they need to get the hell out of his city, because he doesn't want to look at them.
aw, heck, here's a bonus quote:
"They're not all homeless," Ballard said. "Panhandlers are a sham. I think most people know that."
you see, not all panhandlers are actually homeless, therefore panhandling itself is a total sham! similarly, i ate a bad apple the other day,* which proves that all apples suck! i'll never eat an apple again!
* not really; virago is the apple eater. i'm more into oranges. ¶