but whether or not elrod is truly sympathetic to these issues, it appears that he associates with those who are decidedly not. lesser-known blogger tyrion has discovered that elrod's web site was designed by a firm with close ties to the notorious eric miller and his advance america organization:
Jon Elrod has muddied the waters by asking the anti-gay firm Main-1-Media to design his campaign website (As of January 22, 2008 the website was registered to Main-1-Media by Jack Straub, Main-1-Media's Chief Operating Officer). That would be this Main-1-Media:Registering under Main1Media, Miller and his organization were seemingly able to fly beneath the proverbial radar regarding the nature of their assembly. When it was pointed out to a State House event planning employee that Main1Media represented Eric Miller, Advance America and an anti-gay agenda, the State House began making phone calls to find out why there might be controversy surrounding Main1Media and its rally - expected to bring 1,000 Miller followers to the State House rotunda.
You'll recall, Main-1-Media is owned by Rick Terry, an Eric Miller crony and the former Director of Development for Miller's organization (solid reporting, AI!), Advance America. Advance America is one of the primary promoters of the homophobic "marriage amendment" to the Indiana State Constitution. In support of that amendment, Miller used the Main-1-Media firm to register and organize a rally in support of the amendment at the Indiana Statehouse in 2005. In other words, Main-1-Media has been directly involved in anti-gay activism.
a whois search for jonelrod.com confirms that the domain is registered to main-1-media. in fact, until recently, elrod's site had a disclaimer at the bottom that the site was designed by main-1-media. that disclaimer is gone now, but here is a google cache of a page bearing the main-1-media disclaimer. there's also a rough draft of the site, complete with lorem ipsum, up on main-1-media's servers.
this revelation was buried in a post by tyrion criticizing blogger gary welsh of advance indiana for his often-baseless attacks on andré carson. gary's advance indiana blog should not be confused with eric miller's similarly-named advance america organization—if anything, advance indiana is dedicated to fighting advance america. so it's a tad ironic that if you google "rick terry" "advance america", the third link is to this old AI post documenting advance america's shady accounting practices. gary and eric miller might be committed political enemies, but they sure agree on a lot of issues, including support for jon elrod, it would seem. (gary has repeatedly refused to allow links to tyrion's blog entry to be posted at AI, even turning on comment moderation to prevent this uncomfortable truth about elrod from being posted.)
incidentally, main-1-media also designed the state's controversial "in god we trust" license plates, which they did at no charge. they just wanted to spread the word of god-trustin', i guess.
update: a reader notes that on jan 14, elrod's site was registered to d3 datasolutions (at least according to polis politics). so apparently the site's registration just switched to main-1-media in the past couple weeks. ¶