Yep, I'm not a racist. I simply saw the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" monkey for what it was.
I think of people as equals, kind of like on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise. On Star Trek everyone is judged on their merit and character, not what they look like. It is enlightened.
Why do corrupt democrats cry racism every time their corruption is exposed?
Why not just deal with the facts of unethical behavior instead of playing the race card?
Regarding monkeys being used to dehumanize blacks, last I checked Darwin's evolution theory supposes that ALL humans descended from apes, not just blacks.
Theses racist cries are doing more to distance black democrats than to pull them in. I know because several black democrats regularly network with our activists and they are fed up with it!
If Wilson was really in tune with his party, he would know this too.
Plenty of blacks speaking up about this now including the Minority Report and Abdul. Our tax activists meetings are regularly attended by black democrats who want change. Are they racist too?
And if IndyU was run by Abdul and Ike as you all allege, then why would these two black men stir up racial hatred, since they themselves are black?
IndyU was not a racist blog, it just happened to find a lot to complain about with the likes of the ineffective Frank Anderson, drunk Ron Gibson, unethical Monroe Gray, etc.
If you recall, IndyU also picked on plenty of whites including Scott Robinette, Chief Michael Spears, Bart Peterson, and other ethically challenged persons within the Peterson democrat organization.
As I recall the ONLY persons who saw the image as toxic are partisan democrats who could not defend against the truth of their candidate's lack of ethic other than to cry racism.
It's getting old. Most people are not racist! Blacks across the country are following Cosby's lead by saying "ENOUGH".