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Saturday, September 08, 2007 
anyone read portuguese?
a few weeks back, i did a brief interview (via flickr private message) with a brazilian journalist about glitch art and image databending. now, i've done my share of mysterious online "interviews" that never turn into anything, but not this one: i just found the article after another brazilian was inspired to contact me about it.

so... yeah, a brazilian article about glitch art. i don't know what it says, but it looks like a basic introduction to glitch art. sooner or later i'll run it through babelfish, though i don't have high hopes that machine translation will be enough to decipher its mysteries. at any rate, even if you don't read a word of portuguese, you can still check out the article and click on one of the pictures to launch a pop-up gallery of 12 cool glitch images by me & other artists.

incidentally, there seem to be a lot of burgeoning glitch artists in south and central america, or at least i seem to run into a lot of people from places like chile.


20/08/2007 - 10h44
"Tilts" turns digital art and gains the net

Illustrated Publisher-assistant of of the Online Leaf

He gave wood? Before complaining, he knows that he has people for there trying to transform the unpopular informáticos errors into aesthetic intervention and until artistic movement. Art is "glitch" (something as "art it tilt").

Trick for some, vanguard for others, the term assigns modified audiovisuais workmanships in its code-source (joint of letters and numbers that makes software to twirl). Not valley, therefore, to distort the image in programs as Photoshop. The workmanships are fruits of random or forced errors of programming.

"' glitch art ' explores the limits of the digital format", filosofa the North American Benjamin Berg, 31, that it lives in the state of Indiana (U.S.A.). Although to pay to the accounts revising books, it if it considers a "artist of the new medias".
Reproduction: mib_hr
Image yielded for user of the site Flickr that, after a problem in the computer, was with defective photos
Image yielded for user of the site Flickr that, after a problem in the computer, was with defective photos


Berg already more than published a thousand works of "glitch art" in web and still it keeps a site on the subject. For it, the aesthetic one of the accidental one -- sufficiently present in some vanguards of century 20 -- is part now of a "after-digital movement, of overcoming of the bits".

In 2003 the sonorous chain of "glitch art" gained popularity between internautas. To change archives of audio was until then more interesting of the one than images -- younglings of the compartilhador of Napster music pipocavam for the net.

Without an efficient platform of spreading, "glitch art" visual only obtained to engage the clutch with the popularização of vestibules as Flickr. Today, the site counts on about 1.500 dedicated adepts of "tilt" and four fóruns to the subject. Are more than 3,000 images corrupted to the exposition.

"' glitch art ' already was embryonic in some expressions, as in the work of the VJs, that manipulate and corrupt images and sounds ad-lib", it says the plastic artist Rumanian Mircea Turcan, 29, collaborator of the site.

It has, however, less enthusiastic visões. For the Brazilian writer Jesus de Paula Assis, author of "Arts of the Videogame" (ed. Tree-lined avenue), valley the citation of French painter Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968), of that art is everything what you obtain to convince the people to accept as such.

"In the case of the Duchamp, all good. Already in many other cases, the doors of the picaretagem or the ingenuous amadorismo had been escancaradas ", alfineta.
Reproduction: mib_hr
Errors, "bugs","tilts",broken imperfections, systems, noises in the transmission;"glitch art"it bets in the accidental one
Errors, "bugs", "tilts", broken imperfections, systems, noises in the transmission; "glitch art" bets in the accidental one


It still has a group of internautas that it faces trend as hobby. Case of the student of design Danish Steffen Bygebjerg, 23. "It is a diversion for me", says. Bygebjerg uses a navigator on-line that it distorts and it breaks the images of the visited sites.

Another form to obtain "bugs" similar is using digital cameras with weak batteries. The last photos, over all if taken off with flash, costumam to leave corrupted.

The instrument most popular of "glitch art" is the program to hexplorer, a publisher of binary archives of futurista appearance. Way of functioning: it opens a photo in the program and moves in its codes to the rough calculation. But if it does not forget to record a copy of the archive before if risking. The process is irreversible. ¶

yeah, that's about what i expected from machine translation... somewhat decipherable yet not entirely. i love how i'm referred to as "it". ¶

I have to say, Stallio... *grins*

It's funny that you're kinda complaining about the awful translation from Babelfish - you know the glitch in the program. :) It kinda goes with the art! ¶

And how rude of me!


sweet ¶

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