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parts is parts, the new album from collage collective animals within animals, is now available for free download from badtaste4life.com!
parts is parts is 77 and a half minutes of intense noise and ridiculous sampling from the people who brought you the 2001 collage epic mono a mono. this release blends the madcap sound of AWIA's legendary live shows with mellancamp cutups and other more "traditional" style audio collage to create AWIA's hardest, craziest release ever.
this free mp3 release will be followed up by an extremely limited run of cds with handmade cover art. stay tuned for more details about that. for now, just enjoy the mp3s!¶
parts is parts is 77 and a half minutes of intense noise and ridiculous sampling from the people who brought you the 2001 collage epic mono a mono. this release blends the madcap sound of AWIA's legendary live shows with mellancamp cutups and other more "traditional" style audio collage to create AWIA's hardest, craziest release ever.
this free mp3 release will be followed up by an extremely limited run of cds with handmade cover art. stay tuned for more details about that. for now, just enjoy the mp3s!¶