Participating candidates will be:
Russell Brown (D - State Senate)
Rep David Orentlicher (D - H86)
Susan Fuldauer (D - H88)
John Barnes (D - H89) and
Mike Kole (L - Sec of State).
Participating blogs are:
A Commonplace Book
Advance Indiana
Resisting Inertia
Shakespeare's Sister
stAllio's Way
Taking Down Words
most of these are not my candidates (i'm in the process of moving from greg porter's district to vanessa summers's district), though i conceivably could vote for mike kole if he can convince me he'd be a better choice than joe pearson. but bil from bilerico invited me to attend, and i have no good excuse not to go, so that's that.
i hope to post my thoughts about the event sometime this afternoon or evening... though has been quite fussy today and might throw a fork into those plans.¶