click to change it
hmm... so not only did bushco lie in order to pas...
took my car in for 30,000 mile service this mornin...
so when i got up this morning our internet connexi...
i'm getting a huge bonus this year, which is a nic...
ups & downs today. first microsoft word send me i...
the miami herald has broken a story alleging that ...
asbury park NJ will stop issuing gay marriage lice...
now this is just weird. yesterday i quoted a ne...
* indicates blogs i designed
salon has a great interview with an npr commentator who was fired for dropping the f-bomb in a prerecorded segment (she & the engineer intended to bleep the word, but the engineer forgot to do so, so she got fired... while the engineer was merely "given some probation").
after acting all wishy-washy for days, her local affiliate finally offered her her job back. but she refused, saying "I would not feel comfortable going back to work there. How many times do you want to get shot through the cannon?"
after acting all wishy-washy for days, her local affiliate finally offered her her job back. but she refused, saying "I would not feel comfortable going back to work there. How many times do you want to get shot through the cannon?"