click to change it
my cd drives work! i have no idea why it took s...
well i wouldn't say my computer is "fixed" but at ...
well they've arrested someone in the screener case...
this is kind of a long picaresque narrative so it ...
i am drunk. at dinner barry & i were joking abo...
so samhain is home, though totally exhausted and a...
now the fbi is investigating the screener leaks. ...
samhain is home! i just got the email from my s...
* indicates blogs i designed
remember the ad from last yeat's super bowl stating that illegal drug use helped terrorists? i do; i thought it was one of the most offensive ads i'd ever seen. & another white house ad will appear on this year's super bowl. so if cbs can air that garbage, why can't they show the relatively innocuous ad from moveon? click the banner for more info: