- salon has a great piece about how the media keeps caricaturing dean as "angry" etc and compares it to how gore was similarly demonized. i'm glad salon wrote this so i didn't have to.
- the state of tennessee doesn't think disabled citizens have the right to attend their own trials; man says he had to crawl up two flights of steps while the judge laughed at him
- everyone threw a fit when clinton took money from winston wang, but when neil bush does it, nobody cares
- reuters news agency complains to pentagon about US soldiers brutalizing journalists in iraq. choice quote: "It makes you wonder what happens to ordinary Iraqis."
- holy shit!!! spalding gray is missing!
- fcc's michael powell wants to ban the word "fuck"

click to change it
here's an article about the effect of new mad cow ...
more on the o'neill tell-all book: today the buzz...
bush's former treasury secretary paul o'neill is a...
the big story of the moment is bush's new proposal...
it's a new year! time for some news updates! t...
wow! today john ashcroft proved that he does stil...
from the you too might be a terrorist department: ...
my blog now has user comments! or more accurately...
* indicates blogs i designed
for every one of these page-long news analysis entries i write, there are a half dozen or more other stories that intrigue me, but i simply don't have time to write about each one in depth. so here are some quick headlines-type thingies: