bobby vomit's blawg
Saturday, November 04, 2006

o.k well noise fest went fine except i left my guitar turntable ,, i am idiot wasnt even druynk , it hasnt been mailed to me yet so who know , i did take alot of photo s i have been pretty busy bustin ass uploading photo s to the new tattoo sight ,, basically flickr but it has been fun very fun for artsy typeds who take alot of photos , any way the headline is the link to the sight also if you want i will post another photo,, this is la vomit in full comand of ? yeah right wahht a turd,, any ways i spent friday nov 3 pucking i vomited approxiamately 24 housr maybe little under aleast 5 times,,, i got wasted on the day of the dead , in honor of my father who couldnt be hear but i think his spirit came back to mix drinks get loud rude and i awoke in the middle of the night vomiting all over myself it shot onto blanket then spent an hour or so puking in the restrrooom woke up for work and puked a hole buch water up at shop ,,, ate some food did some work , got sick four hours later puking some more.... drinks on me all over me BOB


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