crap line crosser dresser and a five drawer drunk?

keep it Krunk tacular holy shit folks revenge of the tird not a wird werd perfect 5.0 not ....
so been ben keeping it low profile , never did a right up for the show on the awia page with realicide ,nor mountain man, evolve, robert inhuman , my self bobby vomit,, piasa, being,,,, ok well here we go the right up in the ball state newspaper didnt come uout iuntiol thursaday and it blah blahed so i willl blah blah any whoooooooooooooooooooooss it said the two dews oh jan 26 thurdasy dedition of ball state daily news ,, said guys from muncie cool evolve best all night ,, robert inhuman awful and me tird hopper hrear is the photo of me and right best yet, i had too um rectum fie in this case and the awful truth is i am a crap line crossserrrr hahahahammm,,,,, experimentla turntable night i played 6 turntables , all wihyt there own spekars and 8 tonearms//, i the played all of them with out pa whilst cuttting a record live and then i played record threw the p.A and the other records played with volume monitor no sounds etc... i liked the set made use of a lot of things i recroded it and it isnt the poop he claims but now than i am better of i called the newspaper blahed to guy on phone asked why the comentor was talking to me in first person in the newspaper told them i could come down there and tolke to him in first person etc.. said i had the rong guy i told him to spread it around the news rooom ,, no one has heard from me in a whilest ,,,,,,,,,,,any whos the show was fuckin amazing for muncie bettter than the dead hooker sluts from ohio they blew , rockstar cottex bitches and fuckin poser music scene,,, hahahahahahahaha fuck you to buddddy ,, realicide crew came out to crash along with piasa we drank beer until 4 i n morn i crashed , had to work sow rob and crew take offf piasa crashed until a little later ,,,i cut records of rob piasa s nuse and i did a rendition of mumin for one of the crew my wilcox cutters are preetty cool ,, jimmie came up later in the week and i drew tattoo ideas out for him we went out and drank he is old ballstate er and had fun drinkin in the olkd jold terf,,hearot fuckin scum hole we got drunk then went to house i cut record for him @ 78 rpm and he had fuckin up the speed or somthing different than what he expected but lathe cut on the floor fdrunk stylin ,,,it sound good i played with record for that fact i played with inhuman piasa cuts too i have thins thing with fuckin with others records funest when i cut well i still havnt sent records to ron rrr but i will until the end and also i will ,,,,i will post pictures up of jimmies tattoos,, and some more skateboard shit ohn here luv also ps s sorrow to here hear of stallios loss