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goooodgodya< llweredoestimego,,,ibashedmy chin into the ground 3 weeks ago blodd gash like the time of month and could not open my jaw foer 2 weeks ouch eeeee i have been avoiding computers like the plague my only interestsxs are soap operas news wow new orleans also who gives 2 shits about gas fat ass needs to walk or ride bike right ,, io dont know my comentary is the u.s. is a bunch of fat spoiled babies , mountain dew soda chips and shiit ,, good gas goes up more inclination to walk or ride electric trains instead of gas fuel busses , we all know the answer it is a reserve only somuch remember school non renewable resource no renewable dewd that means when its gone no more and i hate the feeling 2 but i ride my bike to work walk alot ,, i hope our society reacts to this in a positive way to introduce better renewable sopurces of enrgie bicycle traqils , bicycle lanes everywere including the interstates,, electric trolllies ,, we have been fuel i mean fooled into beleaving gas is how i get to work INEED GAS ,,, eat a plate of beens tard face ,, you nweed to right your congrees personm the president or takit in own accord you dont need gas these companyies have made millions off of somthing that was never intinded to last , sold evryamerican into a frenzy over the nessessity of gas when in relization we were better offf 50 yera go indianapolis at one time had the best transit system in the contry now try getting around that town with out a gas guzzler welcom to a new day folks ,, i am happy fuckin fuck mr bush the asrabs all gas frenzied fuck wads of people greedy capitalist assholes they sold you not gonna sell me ,,, and alos this is all bullshit in a minute laugh giggle shit i dont care here i am gib fixed record cutters in attic will have ltd edittion 8 inch records for sale trade when we gas our ways to cinncinnatti rant rant RAVWE RAVE crack house laws? rations ,,, war ,,,, mcdonalds,,, keep it real ,,,america the new service induwstry hoa ho ho wow what yay mceds for life one day when you look down the rode and all you see id FAST food chain store retaraunts and realize high school trained you for this education is great raise a buch of dummies to flip burgers WHAT yo its reall dont ask me because i dont exist>>>>>>> social security hahahaha how about taxing the shit out of me for this welfare state of uneducadetid ? ME ???? service industry employees yayayayayay america land of cheesburgers gasoline engines and greed ,,, ofgh fuck take me to the mall li just gotta get one of thos i saw it one tv can i gaet aunhappy meal please made in china bought and sold dreams wake up go to work captain disease dead fish mutilated corpses a new way of life f5rench fried ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,god blessxss fuck religion wipe your ass wiht the last tree standing thanks mr bush your such a great person i hopp e when i grow up i am as dunb rich confused and as in control as you also i thank the american people for being so aware i love living with you ? fat fucking pieces of shit i suffer from social anxiety an am in hiding i have guns a years supply of food and water i am ready ,,,,,paranoia ? we are but just mokeys flees on the back of a dog love your mother EARTH