bobby vomit's blawg
Thursday, May 12, 2005 
im still laughing about ben shitting his pants?
so no one said i was punctual lettalone nice whatever insert popoinion onion nose burn red eye chees puff girl ,thinking like yes and all badtaste crew never got comp treaddy now is the call i think we will get this done now or never ,,i am readdy so also throughing idea of awia basement party or really a vomit get together hooking up pa in basement moving scleaning shit having a shin dig like old days but no t in the addicrrt probably basement mak it reall cosey need to do some sound proofing looking for june ish date maybe around birthday 28 look @ weeeken and get back to every one notice for yoyo ben has got some dope as wallpapers i wasted some time there but i didnt downlad (yet) sick portrait who is that recycled man ? scored some all right records today another farmer says already cleaned it into record toy pieces broken plastic every were put fan s in attic cut holes in house execetra woekdr construction had helppd wired installed wiririnf ghouseing new flipper breaker switch run wire run hard labor durty dusty still have more mr home body skipped out on playing with the florida columbbus peopple sa to much for me rock out man ? jjjjdid some recording 9 record playeers miked the room fun got drunk road bycycle bought cheep can beer then rode back bought cheep o mexican beer in the bottle sang cused made fun of stuff was very negative and stuupid sounding perfect imbarrinssing but fullfilling JERK face is my new recording name andd you hate me but my girl friend dreeessses me in the mournign because i am retarded is the greatest hit since donna summers does stallio in a 1983 ford tauras delux model gt ford porn star rumor kevins been having shows @ house from sir william ? never new ? what the wht # fuck


if you want to get working on the comp again, that's cool, but you/we'll need to at least email everyone again: one entry on your blawg ain't gonna cut it. and i think everyone is still confused about exactly you want from them: you/we need to spell that out very clearly for everyone.

By Blogger stAllio!, at 8:57 PM  

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