im back again undenialyMADD or aingst freee cheese children raped by fucked up face victume induced voiting amongst teens up who cares fuck face vomlume oveloard take 5 ooo tminuse 7 aand counting 5 000 years dfuck xoscoiety chump star indiana SOUTHERN indiana attached by uuge wswarm of locust vvm nerve gas drop on people news tv all day on sunday woo hoo ready one two 3 isnt it fuckeden funny how 3 houtrres turnxs into 1.5 minute hours etc future event . fuck suck me cocky wanna fight fuck or swallow td is dick cheese ass mold but fngus trip burger fli[p death field dave drinking schlitls who care fuck my fat ass neighbor screamming obscenetys at him from window drunk annoying hell iam a prate 55 yrs war against who am i fuck yo hostility here it is hey you fuckin hotdog warmer fat ass liar fuck you budddy and heres you girl friend