bobby vomit's blawg
Saturday, March 19, 2005 
today LOG
i ate chinese food yesterday a pizza at the bar drank 2 beers, came home 11:00 ate lasaugna dani made,wathced some TV fell asleep awoke drove to indy for record convention and sofielsas cousins birthday party day was peety much dull ,, recod convention is always kinda lame i get a kick out of people thaouhg dig up some crapy old tunes i found (fuck you spacemen) 7"comp awsome rockabillish surf music all about startreck and shit been looking for a whil paid stupid price ,found bobby helms12' first record awsome trashy condition bought billy holiday 12'thing and a red fox12' record a porno record51/2' out of stag magazine explains how to beat off to the record picture has cum on a girls mout h on the record+++++++ legendary pink dots lp ,soft cell dance dub,,phsychic tv 12'lp ,concrete bonde single 12' , 5 45 for dollar ,yoko ono 7' 1$ and iggy pop on bump 1994 david bowie freee recrod i use to have this but it came up missing ( cool punk rock kids are fun to have over ? ) so then we went to the shalimar for indian buffet and then to birthday party daniellas had the wrong directions and argh we drove wwwwwwwaaaaaaaayyyyy out of the way ,, and the on getting to birhtday party notied GOODWILL 1/2 off day today ++++++++so made plans birthday party had cowns we had themm paint a third eye on sofielsa and everbody looked weird and we let her walk around peopel were kinda freeked out by us but it was all right after words we headed to the good will were i found great copy of bob from sesame street 50 cents or somthing ++++the n we headed towards 40 and went to that goodwill on washington and i liftd cartridge from a technic turntable highested 3 copies of a profit talk recod for snobs got a beelly dancing recor dan indianapolis our indiana home record a dini zulu record african druming for 1.63 lady rang me up wrong then we headed home lots stuff to do sending submissions into couple comp things 2 and getting stuff ready for rrr not all tonight but right ing down serial numbers from lathe , checking cutter head make shure it is working properly !!!! wow but face i hadnt shit all day either and when i got home pppppppuuuuuuulllllllluuuuuusssssshhhhh big turd fell out of my brown browny baking unit nasty and i just grab bella cuch y but she aint given it up chasing her aronn d like tarzan or a caveman dick in hand swinging bounceing of walls come on baby i LOVE YA dick in hand at the microphone stand suck baby suck well not tonight i guesss hahahahahaahahahahahahaha pussy pussy pussy i love them kitty kats


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