drunk again in indiana not givin afuckabout anything>G
\][plokl,./ok bain damage homies like doit tourned it all upsdoe dwn gettin it out ophotos ya furniture upsode down out studio shapping up yes...//so finished shaefer remix except bowel movement rewind tape in morning making copies 1 2 or 3 not have poop .. or maybe make new recording 1 only limt to 5 until remix cassette re preess and next will feature shit on ohotos to come in morining drunk had fun pissed on soon as i got home sofielsa played with record first do you have child yet may these two children could play records togethere and then bb renmixed by children arouned worl needed grant monie need helps o os pdfpa i5tnuiq .-=/ isa
]'\ sombody told me my djafhdshit was linjvoi3f-03475[-0ty802m c,. fucked up impossable yo what ? i mean america ,,,, whole indigi= neous culturee wiped out like >>>>>> who a told you thid sa asbout erefvcvi0 juh SOiopwkvjc fdldfdweofdjedfceexplain i dont understand shit fiuiouy 9fdopkbod\/ SOCIETY..WHITEY