bobby vomit's blawg
my first picture
record room is mess cleanning up,, soon lots of shit on ebay eqipment / records i am going to sell i will try to list it here and email all first need to cleen out a little // space is clutterd and pushing in new direction..maybe rummage sell.. making copies now 4 more to go WHO'S EAR 002 (bobby vomit/unszene shared stereo) ltd. hh10 is good but i like the longer version a little better but i think some people will pfefer just a little bit so i am in the middle ..i asked pearl broach if he would do a split//with robert inhuman .. i have heard both and think it would be nice .. BADTASTE shsshow APRIL??? ..feb 17/18/19/ miami,fla... march 25/ huntington,W.V.,,,april bloomington,ind>> muncie,,ind..for me this is busy schedule .. and i am trying to put together home made records dgalore i have a lathe working very shity now but making records any way ... noise ,,,cut up floppy sound sheets,, cardboard records ,, lots of 7" records,, i just bought 50 blank rockola records .. each show from feb12 -------april i will play record no grooves and cut with knife to create rythmn various ways and things to cut with live will be limited adition hand made sleeves signed # for sale at the end of spring 2005.. badtaste4life..