bobby vomit's blawg
Sunday, January 30, 2005 
ben has intrfucks to dawgs
i wead now wead gawt record in mail eye eye cappin remix janek schaefer wow 7 inch number 289 /289 happy tone record similiar to on/ off cut with off center hole then re centered when pressed 2 7 in box size of 12'' odd thing is wants you to physically remix so mine came from EBAY ...notes: As this was, at times, quite a technical project, I thought that it would be interesting to explain a few things about how it came to be. 'Wow' is described as the slow fluctuation in the pitch of long sounds when a record is rotating unevenly. The more uneven, the greater the effect. In sound reproduction this is seen as an imperfection. My idea was to simply magnify this error and use it as both a compositional device and as my own 'Physical Remix' for the Diskono series. The original composition [side B] is made up from four sounds in development, focusing on the idea of pitch variation. Sound one [recorded using a Nord Micro Modular] begins as a flat tone and then evolves into ever deeper oscillation cycles. Sounds two and three were recorded on my Tri-phonic Turntable using a modified Cardas Sweep record [the sound of a progressively rising tone used to cleanse your Hi-Fi]. By making a new off-centre hole for the spindle in the disc, the smooth tone becomes an oscillating one due to the resulting uneven rotations = Wow. One rises as the other descends [reverse play]. The fourth sound is a locked groove of a slightly fluctuating test tone which concludes the composition. Side A is my 'Physical Remix' of this track. During the cutting stage of the 7" I made a second hole in the lacquer and cut the track around this new centre. This meant that when it came to press the disc using the initial/original centre hole the actual sound is positioned off-centre on the record [aural/visual remix]. This in turn enforces the music to fluctuate slowly in speed/pitch [= Wow]. By removing the 'spider' from the dinked centre hole you can increase or decrease the amount of wow imposed on the recording to maximum effect. Technical Warning: Please note that some record players will not be able to play side A.

mine had a note added i will write it werd for werd..

(ttoschogg forfib
sorry this is so late, but i send it to you with muched love. i thanks you for the socks.i am wearing them now,as a matter of fact,and they are nice to say the least. i needed socks and you pulled through. so i sent you a bunch of goodies. as well as the "physical remix" record....can't wait-------------
a) who are you? ---my name is christopher, the soldiers head.not a true hero. ed rooney is a heroand he is not me..
B) what tools? --spilt beer and coffee on it. then put glitter on it.
C)why?----why ask why? does life travel around itself in cycles? first, i like beer so i spilled beer on the record . night two, i was up till5:00 am , so i spilled coffee on it. why was i drinking coffee so late anyway? on the third night i wanted to send this plastic back, get it out of the rot of my bedroom, buut alas , it looked so ordinary. so i decorated it with glitter now it shimmy and shines. platinum.--------------------
okay hope you enjoy this stuff, hope all is well, keep in touch......cristopher unread p.o. box 3462 omaha, nebraska,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)

der in zeee phucks can me say i am in love records are deliscious i recomend any schaefer on vinyl bobby vomit



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